By Annabel Wildrick, Cricket Media
The citizens of Greece weren’t the only ones with busy live in ancient times. The Greek gods and goddesses had important jobs to do as well. . .
Zeus, the ruler of all the Greek gods, was responsible for the weather, as well as for keeping order and ensuring justice. Zeus had other important roles as well: He was the judge who settled disagreements between gods. When he was angry, he caused thunder to shudder the ground below and sent bolts of lightning crashing to Earth.
To help him rule fairly over the other gods and goddesses, Zeus asked his wife, Hera, for advice. Down on Earth, the women of ancient Greece worshipped Hera for her role as protector of marriage. Married and unmarried women alike held special fondness for Hera.
Once married, ancient Greek women relied on Hestia to keep their homes and families happy. The fires burning in the homes of the Greeks burned for Hestia. Even when fires began to go out, the Greeks kept coals burning in honor of Hestia. When Greeks moved to a new city, they carried burning coals with them, bringing fire to their new homes.
Speaking of cities, the fabulous city of Athens was named for Athena, daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom, war, weaving, agriculture, and cities. Athena gave a gift of the olive tree to the Greeks. This tree was a source of wood, oil, and food. The farmers of ancient Greece relied on Athena for their crops to grow well. Weavers and other artists relied on her to help them in their craft. The ancient Greeks gave Athena credit for the invention of the ship, the plow, the trumpet, and the horse bridle. (The horse was given by Poseidon, god of the sea.)
Hermes was a particularly busy god. He watched over travelers and helped them on their way (including showing the dead their way to the underworld). He invented fire and the lyre, a stringed instrument. He was in charge of literature and poets, athletes, weights and measures, commerce, and invention. Hermes also had an important role to play among the gods: He was their messenger.